Asylum [Entry by mirror only]

Mike Parr

Asylum [Entry by mirror only] was a seventy-two hour performance inside what was once Willow Court’s Female Maximum Security Ward for the Criminally Insane.

The artist Mike Parr drew continually for 72 hours, in memory of his brother, Tim, who died in 2009 after suffering from mental illness for much of his life. Video, sound, photos, objects, and installation works were dotted throughout the buildings. Visitors were welcome to come and go, on the condition that they brought a mirror, or shard, to leave behind.

Commissioned by Detached Cultural Organisation

Presented by Detached in association with Dark Mofo.

Dates: June 9 - 13, June 18 - 19, 2016

Location: Willow Court’s Female Maximum Security Ward for the Criminally Insane, New Norfolk, Tasmania

Mike Parr (Entry by Mirror Only)